Thursday, November 13, 2008

Visa - Keeping me where I want to be.

Last week I said that if I really wanted a social life, I would have to make it a top priority. Well when it comes to finances, graduate school IS my top priority. It goes without saying that pursuing a master’s degree is expensive and I, like most people, don’t have $30,000 lieing around. But where there is a will, there is a way. My way was going to be to sell my house in Florida, pay off any debts, bank some of the money and use the rest for school.

What I didn’t build into the equation were all the unknown variables - and Murphy's Law has revealed a few. It turns out the decision to go to graduate school is costing me a lot more than $30,000. What are the extra costs?

First I quit a very good paying job in Florida to move to the D.C. area to attend school. My plan was to find a job here with education benefits to help defray the cost of school. What I didn’t count on was that I would still be job-hunting a few months later.

Next the sale of the house has not gone as planned and I’m paying for my apartment here and the house in Florida. Ouch!

So how have I survived? First thank God for a savings account. I'm down to fumes but I’m holding out. Next, thank God for plastic. Visa’s tagline is “Everywhere you want to be.” Well I’m adding “Keeping me where I want to be.”

The financial challenge of graduate school goes beyond just paying for classes. It’s forcing me to pay for an adventure, but it’s still my top priority. No regrets.


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