Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Social Life? What the heck is that!?!?

Here's an example of how hard the balance REALLY is:

After rushing to get dressed and bathe/feed my son before dashing off to the 7:45am church service (that I was late for), I was reprimanded by my mother because I was late to my little sister's cheerleading competition. When I got home from the competition (that I had to leave early), my husband was pulling out of our garage because he'd gotten sick of waiting for me to get home (from the competition) so that we could take our son to a birthday party. To make matters worse, I was forced to cancel a business meeting with a long-time friend because, as expected, the birthday party ran over it's end time. Oh, and I have to ?.. (was that confusing?)

This, unfortunately, is the story of my life. Sometimes I wonder why, at the age of 24, God gave me so much responsibility. Then, I realize that He did it for a reason. Playing the balancing game is tough, but with careful planning, it can all be done. While I refuse to cut down on family time, I've limited social time to every other week, and my real friends understand that school makes it harder for me to hang out as much. They admire the fact that I'm dedicating time to making myself better. At the same token, I've made it very clear to the hubby that when I do decide to go out with the girlfriends, I don't expect to hear any flack from him. We are both in school, so we understand the importance of breaking free from time to time.

Graduate school is not only a commitment for me, but it's a commitment for everyone around me. Once the entire familial circle commits to the positive change that school will bring, all those involved will have an easier time adjusting. I know its made things easier for us.

***That's a pic of my son on Halloween, dressed as Barack Obama. We were sure to be home by 9pm, so that I could read and prepare for class the next morning.***


1 comment:

mil1265 said...

You're son is so gorgeous!!